Secure payment

At, we take the security of your payments very seriously. Therefore, we have implemented security measures and technologies to ensure that your transactions are safe and secure. Below we provide you with information about our secure payment process:

Payment providers:

We work with trusted and recognized payment providers to process your transactions securely. When you make your purchase, you will be redirected to our supplier's payment platform, where you can complete the transaction safely.

Data Protection:

Your personal and payment data are treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We use encryption technologies and secure protocols to protect your data during transmission and storage. We also undertake not to store your credit card details or other sensitive payment information on our systems.

Security certificates:

Our website has SSL (Secure Socket Layer) security certificates, which guarantees that the information transmitted between your browser and our server is encrypted and protected against possible interception or manipulation.Cumplimiento normativo:

Cumplimos con todas las normativas y regulaciones aplicables relacionadas con la seguridad de pagos y protección de datos. Nos aseguramos de mantenernos actualizados con las últimas prácticas de seguridad y de cumplir con los estándares de seguridad de la industria.

User Responsibility:

You also play an important role in keeping your transactions secure. We recommend that you follow good security practices, such as not sharing your payment information with third parties and using strong passwords for your account.

Remember that although we take all necessary measures to ensure the security of your payments, no online transaction is completely risk-free. You should always be vigilant and ensure that you are using a secure connection when transacting online.

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